
Cyclical Drifting


video projection and found artifacts

Dimensions variable

Ferguson was invited to participate in the City Drift/Detroit project in 2013. Cyclical Drifting was his response to the invitational exhibition at Kunsthalle Detroit.

Cyclical Drifting is a performative action that was documented over the course of 10 days in Detroit, MI. A cyclical route was walked once a day, every day, while wearing a GoPro HD video camera mounted to the artist’s head. Artifacts were purchased at different locations throughout the ritual and unexpected correlations between each site were discovered. The resulting videos were shuffled and seamlessly stitched together to create the final 60 minute film. Inspired by the writings of the French New Novelist Alain Robbe-Grillet, the resulting documentary becomes a dreamlike cycle with no clear beginning or end.


Domestic Carnival (2011-2013)


Google Searching for God (2010)